
STEP 1: Lay the waterBOB® bladder flat in the bathtub with the nozzles (white caps) facing up and near the faucet end of the tub.

STEP 2: Unscrew the nozzle cap that is closest to the faucet and attach the fill sock by turning it clockwise until tight.

STEP 3: Slide the other end of the fill sock over the bathtub faucet and hold it firmly around the faucet with one hand while your other hand turns on the COLD WATER.

STEP 4: Remove the filling sock with a white cap and tighten.

STEP 5: The full waterBOB®. Keep the caps sealed tight until you are ready for water.

STEP 6: When you are ready for water, remove the center nozzle cap and thread on the siphon pump by turning in a clockwise motion.

STEP 7: To dispense the water, place a jug or pitcher below water level, insert the hose in the empty container and squeeze the bulb several times to begin the siphon effect.

STEP 8: To stop the water flow, loosen the vent cap located on top of the pump, allowing all remaining water to flow out of the hose. Tighten the vent cap when you are finished.
To help keep the water fresh, cover the waterBOB ® with towels and close any window treatments to prevent direct sunlight. When fresh water is no longer needed, slit the side of the liner and drain the remaining water. The bladder should be disposed and recycled.
© Copyright 2020, Hunker Up, LLC. All rights reserved.
Patent No. 8,627,980 & 10,293,982. Other Patents Pending