• A person can live a month without food but only a few days without water.
  • The average person uses over 140 gallons of water each day for drinking, bathing, laundry, dishes and watering lawns.
  • According to FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), in case of an emergency you should store at least one gallon of water per person per day and have at least a three-day supply. However, individual water needs vary per person, depending on age, physical condition, activity and climate. Children, nursing mothers and ill people need more water and very hot temperatures can double the amount of water needed.
  • If you have pets, allow a minimum of gallon per day for each dog or cat.
  • Contaminated water can cause such diseases as dysentery, typhoid and hepatitis.
  • The Center for Disease Control receives over 4,000 cases each year of illness due to drinking contaminated water.
  • If unsure about water, bringing it to a rolling boil for 1 minute will kill most organisms.


Every household should assemble a disaster supply kit that includes
the following items:

  • First aid kit and essential medications.
  • Canned food and can opener.
  • At least 3 gallons of water per person.
  • Protective clothing, rainwear and bedding or sleeping bags.
  • Battery-powered radio, flashlight and extra batteries.
  • Special items for infants, the elderly and disabled.
  • Instructions on how to turn off electricity, gas and water if authorities advise you to do so.